Check out our selection for the very best in a unique bridal shower experience!
Get the complete package with our Boho Bride premium package. Table Runner, Garland, Hen Party Bunting, and a Dream Catcher to amp your decorations up!
Table Runner - Measures 2 metres (L) 35cm (W)
Garland - measuring 1.9m
Hen Party Bunting - measures 1.5m
Dream Catcher - TBD
Add these to give a rich and unforgettable Hen Party!
Please note:
This package includes only the items listed above. Any other items in the images are for staging purposes only.
BB-313Check out our selection for the very best in a unique bridal shower experience!
Get the complete package with our Boho Bride premium package. Table Runner, Garland, Hen Party Bunting, and a Dream Catcher to amp your decorations up!
Table Runner - Measures 2 metres (L) 35cm (W)
Garland - measuring 1.9m
Hen Party Bunting - measures 1.5m
Dream Catcher - TBD
Add these to give a rich and unforgettable Hen Party!
Please note:
This package includes only the items listed above. Any other items in the images are for staging purposes only.